HB Laser Skin Clinics
Improving photo aged skin
Photo Rejuvenation Procedure can improve the appearance of photo aged skin by reducing vascular redness, pigmented brown spots, sun damage, age spots, sun induced freckles, improved skin texture and increasing production of collagen. Improving your overall complexion and giving a more youthful look.
How does it work?The intense pulsed light is attracted to melanin (brown pigment colour in skin) and the oxy-haemoglobin (red colour found in blood vessels in the skin). This generates heat, which helps to break up and disperse the blood vessels and encorage pigment to 'milo' and flake off on the skins surface giving a clearer more even complexion.
For treatment of Rosacea or broken capillaries a course of approximately 6-8 sessions may be required, every 4 weeks.
For pigmentation approximately 2-4 treatments every 4 weeks is required for optimum results.
Depending on the area touch up or spot treatments may only be required.
Brown spots on hands may also be treated very successfully.
Dark Circles around the eyes fall into two categories. Some are caused by pigment on the skin around the eyes and some are vascular. Pigment can be treated successfully.
Contact us to make an appointment for any of our locations
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Napier Havelock North Central Hawke's Bay Palmerston North Gisborne Papamoa Taupo Email:
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